
Sunday, December 12, 2021

Research links and discussion on mouthwash, gargling and SARS-COV-2 prevention

Senator Ron Johnson is taking quite a bit of flack over his remarks on mouthwash and SARS-CoV-2 prohibition. It is worth noting that Japan (which has a very low Covid19 death rate[1]) has a long history of gargling  povidone iodine (PVP-I) to prevent respiratory infections[2]. Some American physicians are also suggesting gargling could be helpful [3] especially for school children. Molecular iodine and other anti-septic mouthwashes are in use as SARS-COV-2 prohibition in dental practices across the US [4].  'Disrupting SARS-CoV-2 transmission' with mouthwash has been and is being actively studied at Dental schools and other research institutions across the US.[5] 






There has been quite a bit of recent research on this topic. Some examples are below. The pubmed articles contain additional links to this topic. 

C19 Iodine mouthwash research

C19 Chlorhexidine mouthwash research


(General) Mouthwash effectiveness against C19

Personal Notes

As a personal note, the author (who suffers from allergic asthma) has used two products regularly for at least a year to keep his throat and mouth clear of mucous:

Betadine Sore Throat Gargle (povidone iodine)

ioTech  ioRinse RTU (molecular iodine)

Both products suffer from supply problems now. Betadine Sore Throat Gargle can be ordered online for delivery or pickup from Walgreens and Amazon, although there are often limits and 'temporarily out of stock' issues. ioRinse RTU can be purchased in bulk at a considerable discount from some dental supply stores.

The author has read much of the research and prefers iodine based products largely because Japan's low Covid-19 death rate *may have* some relationship to both high dietary iodine intake and povidone iodine gargle use in Japan. There is also existing research on the relationship of iodine deficiency to Covid19. However, mouthwashes and gargles are not supplements and should not be swallowed.

The Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance has mouthwashes and gargles listed as part of their C19 preventative I-MASK protocol. As always you take full responsibility for any medical products you implement in your life. Moderation and research are probably useful guidelines for the use of such products.

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