
Saturday, July 24, 2021

Recent articles and research on Vaccine Induced Immune Escape

Questions about Global Vaccination

Two charts with regression lines below  the break are from a data download from "Our World in Data".  Code is available on request. The charts are intended to show both daily and 7 day averages of:
  • scaled new vaccinations (red)
  • scaled new deaths (black)
  • new cases since the start of vaccinations per daily and  for seven day average (blue).
By visual inspection, the world is apparently climbing its third ladder of cases/deaths peak since the start of mass vaccinations in late 2020. There is little question for some of us that the onslaught of highly transmissible variants means that cases, deaths, hospitalizations will continue to both accumulate and rise as mass vaccination continues. I have these questions:
  • Are the vaccines actually helping us fight Covid-19?
  • Are the vaccines creating through 'immune escape' continuing cycles of more virulent and/or more transmissible variants?
  • Is global vaccination a strategy that will bring continued death to many?
Far below the charts are recent posts and papers that help examine these questions. Click to enlarge the charts.