
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Asthma and Covid-19

The research and comments on Asthma and Covid-19 seem confusing and somewhat contradictory. I was terrified when the Coronavirus and (allergic) Asthma season seemed to arrive simultaneously here in the United States. I figured I was going to get caught warding off upper respiratory infections all late spring, summer, and early fall. After reading the existing research, I have to wonder whether those of us who conscientiously treat our (allergic) Asthma with whatever techniques we have found useful are somehow doing more to prevent Covid-19 than others. My general thoughts on Covid-19 preventative treatment: Take care of your immunological and respiratory health.

“These are patients who, just based on their asthma alone, are on steroids all the time. I’m just surprised some of them haven’t done worse.”

"After accounting for markers of asthma severity, such as FEV1, asthma control test scores and exacerbation history, the data indicated that participants taking inhaled corticosteroids had lower levels of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 expression than those not taking inhaled corticosteroids. These findings were particularly pronounced among those taking higher doses."

"In summary, in a large cohort of well-characterized patients with asthma, we report higher sputum cell expression of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 in males, African Americans, and patients with diabetes mellitus and lower expression in patients taking inhaled corticosteroids."

"Respiratory allergy, asthma and controlled allergen exposure were associated with significantly reduced gene expression in a protein that the coronavirus uses to infect cells with COVID-19, according to a new study by the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health."

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